منطقه گرمسار در يكصد كيلومتري جنوب شرقي تهران و برسر راه اصلي تهران مشهد قرار دارد از ديرباز اين دشت حاصلخيز و مستعد مامن گروههاي مختلف كشور بوده است كه به علل مختلف به اين منطقه كوچانده شده و يا اينكه اختياري اسكان يافته اند تنوع قومي در اين منطقه به قدري است كه لقب جزيره اقوام به آن نهاده شده است . برنارد هوركاد عضو انجمن ايران شناسي فرانسه در تهران در اين باره مينويسد در دامنه هاي جنوبي البرز در شرق تهران بيست گروه عشايري از همه استانهاي ايران گرد آمده اند و از اين لحاظ در كنار دروازه پايتخت چكيده مردم شناسي تمامي كشور وجود دارد . مهمترين گروههاي ايلي اين شهرستان عبارتند از اصانلو ،اليكايي يا علي كايي، پازوكي ،عرب عامري ،لر ،كرد ،نفر، بختياري ،باصري ،كتي ،گيلك ،عرب معصومي ،عرب سرهنگي ،عرب درازي وهداوند . منشا ايل اليكايي اليكا است كه از منطقه اي به همين نام در چالوس به اين منطقه آمده اند اين ايل شامل نه طايفه است كه عبارتند از گيلوري ، قندالي ، قاسمي ، عاشوري ، ابوالي يا ابولي ، شاه حسيني ، قنبري ، گليني و كاشاني در حال حاضر مهمترين گروه عشايري شهرستان گرمسار را اليكايي ها تشكيل مي دهند كه بر اساس سرشماري كوچنده تيرماه سال 1377 تعداد 275 خانوار با جمعيت 1255 تفر به زندگي نيمه كوچ نشيني مي پردازند ييلاق آنها شامل ارتفاعات شمال گرمسار معروف به گيلور و مناطق ييلاقي فيروزكوه ،دماوند و پلور در استان تهران و قشلاق آنها حواشي كوير شرق و غرب گرمسار است . سردره خوار و دشت خوار گرمسار فعلي طي چند قرن اخير همواره مورد توجه حكام و سلاطين ايران بوده و به منظور ايجاد حفاظي براي شرق تهران از تجاوزات مكرر سواران تركمن ، گروههايي از ايلات مختلف از جمله تركها را به اين ناحيه كوچ داده اند ازجمله مهمترين ايلات ترك 1200 خانواراصانلو است كه در سال 1210 ه ق به دستور آقامحمدخان فاجاراز خمسه زنجان به خوار كوچانده شده اند در دوره سلطنت رضا شاه تشكيلات ايل اصانلو از سران و روساي ايل اصانلو رشيدسلطان ،سيف اله خان ،آقارضاخان و جليل خان را مينوان نام برد مهمترين طوايف اين ايل عبارتند از قباخلو ،قزلو ،جورابلو ، ترامشلو، چوزوكلو،ميرآخورلو، چاپشلو، يوردخانلو، رشمه لو ، خالقلو ، ايمان خانلو و كنشلو . كتي ها كه اصالتا از اعراب نجد عمان هستند ، در قرون اوليه اسلام به نواحي فارس و خوزستان مهاجرت كرده اند كتي هاي ورامين و گرمسار از فارس به اين نواحي مهاجرت كرده اند تاريخ كوچ آنها به دوره قاجاريه مي رسد . ايل پازوكي تقريباحدود ۴۰۰ سال پيش در زمان سلطنت خاندان صفويه از اروميه تبعيد و در خوار و ورامين و روستاهاي طرود وحصاربن فيروزكوه اسكان يافته اند . طايفه عرب عامري از فارس به اين منطقه كوچانده شده اند و در روستاي كهن آباد كه در گذشته به اوبه عرب مشهور بوده است اسكان يافته اند . افراد ايل نفر از شيراز به گرمسار مهاجرت كرده اند وجه تسميه اين ايل به نفر آن است كه در زمان نادرشاه و زنديه رياست آن به عهده حاجي حسينقلي خان نفر واگذار شده بود و چون مشاراليه متنفذ و در دربار پادشاه داراي نفوذ و اعتبار بود ايل مزبور كم كم به نام او موسوم شد نفري ها در روستاي قشلاق نفر ساكن هستند . كردهاي گرمسار شامل دو طايفه شادلو و قراچورلو مي باشد تاريخ استقرار آنها به سال ۱۰۰۶ ه ق كه حركت تاريخي كرد از جنوب قفقاز به آذربايجان و از آنجا به خوار و ورامين و از آنجا به خراسان انتقال يافته اند، ميرسد برخي از قراچورلو ها و شادلو ها در خوار و ورامين اسكان يافته اند كردها در روستاهاي حسن آباد كردها ،علي آباد،قلعه خرابه و جليل آباد ساكنند . در اوايل قرن حاضر نيز گروههاي مختلف لر از استانهاي لرنشين كشور به اين منطقه كوچانده شده اند كه پس از مدت كوتاهي به موطن اصلي خود باز گشته اند و بر طبق سندي ۱۰۰خانوار لر در قراء اربابي و خالصه خوار اسكان يافته اند از گروههاي ديگر لر گرمسار زندي ها هستند كه در روستاي لجران ساكنند . گيلكها ساكن روستاهاي منطقه رامه در شمال شرق شهرستان شامل رامه بالا ، رامه پايين ،چهارطاق و قاليباف را گيلكها تشكيل مي دهند . علاوه بر گروههاي قومي ذكر شده بايد از مهاجرين استان مركزي ، كاشاني ها ، اهالي اردستان و نطنز نيز نام برد به عنوان مثال سيدهاي طباطبايي از اهالي زواره اردستان هستند كه در روستاي قاطول به سر مي برند . براساس آمارهاي نيروي انساني گرمسار يكي از بالاترين آمار نسبت جمعيت را در افراد داراي تحصيلات عاليه دارا ميباشد چنانچه به ازاء هر ۷۵ نفر يك نفر بامدرك كارشناسي وجود دارد . شهرستان گرمسار با توليد حدود ۷۰ درصد نمك و ۶۰ درصد پودرسولفات سديم كشور رتبه اول توليد اين دو ماده را دركشور به خود اختصاص داده است . متوسط حداكثر درجه حرارت ۴۰ و متوسط حداقل ۴- درجه سانتي گراد است و ميانگين بارندگي ساليانه ۹/۹ سانتيمتر است .
Garmsar area, which was known before the beginning
of the present century as Khar Rey, is located 100 km to the southeast of the
capital city of Tehran on the main Tehran-Mashhad road. The area measuring
10,686 sq. km with a population of 75,000 is known as the "Island of Tribes" due
to its tribal diversity. Under the reign of Karim Khan Zand, the tribes had no
choice rather than migrating to the vicinity of the capital, once they were
taken hostage. Various tribes including Elika'i from Chalous, Osanlou and Nafar
of Turk origin, Katis of Arab origin, Hodavand Loris and Gilaks as well as some
tribes from Kashan, Ardestan and Natanz. Garmsar, which was known as Khar Rey until the present
century is located 100 km to the southeast of Tehran along Tehran-Mashhad route.
The area measuring 10,686 sq. km with a population of 75,000 is located at the
climax of the overthrown cone of Habaleh Roud (river). The fertile plain has
been a haven to various tribes, which have either migrated hither under pressure
or voluntarily. Ethnic diversity in the area has resulted in its being known as
the "Island of Tribes". According to what is written in this respect by a member to the French
Iranology Institute in Tehran, Bernard Hourcad, "Some 20 tribal groups from all
provinces have gathered at the southern slopes of Alborz to the east of Tehran,
which represent a brief anthropology of the whole country at the gateways of
Iran's capital city of Tehran. They were mostly taken to Tehran as hostages,
once Karim Khan Zand was ousted and when Tehran gradually became known as the
nation's capital. Some tribal groups which have often been separated from one
another throughout the course of history, have preserved their pastoral and
tribal methods of production, their cultural traditions as well as their tribal
names and whereabouts." Various tribal groups reside in different districts of the city of Garmsar
including Aradan, Eivankei and the central. The most significant tribal groups
residing in Garmsar include Osanlou, Elika'i, (Ali Ka'i), Pazouki, Ameri Arab,
Lor, Kurd, Nafar, Bakhtiyari, Baseri, Kati, Gilak, Masoumi Arab, Sarhangi Arab,
Derazi Arab and Hodavand tribes. Elika'i tribe originates from Elika, an area located in Chalous and includes
nine tribes known as Gilvari, Qandali, Qasemi, Ashouri, Abvali (Abouli), Shah
Hosseini, Qanbari, Galini and Kashani. During the past two centuries, several families including Ilzadeh from
Bakhtiyari tribe, Mish-mast Arab and Qashqais have joined the Elika'i tribe and
speak in Elika'i dialect, which is quite similar to Mazandarani, and especially
to Saravi (belonging to the city of Sari) dialects. Elika'is, who mainly resided
in the villages of Garmsar plain by the beginning of the present century,
founded a great number of villages including Adl Abad, Noureddin Abad, Deh
Piran, Hadji Abad, Sohrab Khani, Kohantal (Gandal), Ramezan Qareh, Ahmad Abad,
Ghiyath Abad and (Nodeh-Khaleseh). The population of Elika'i tribe partially
chose to migrate to the cities of Garmsar and Aradan as well as the cities of
Tehran and Varamin. At present, they constitute the most significant tribal groups residing in
Garmsar, which according to the social and economic statistics taken on the
migrating nomad by early summer 1998, 275 families including 1,255 individuals
are living a semi-nomadic life. Their summer resort includes Garmsar's northern
heights known as Gilour, the summer resorts of Firouzkouh, Damavand and Polour
in Tehran province, while in winter they migrate to the margin of the eastern
desert and to the west of Garmsar. Osanlou Tribe During the recent centuries, Sardarreh Khar and Dasht Khar (the present
Garmsar) have always been of special significance to Iran's rulers and monarchs
and various tribal groups including the Turks, have been made to migrate to the
area in order to safeguard eastern Tehran against the repeated violations of
different cavaliers such as those from Turkey. Osanlou tribe comprising 1,200
families are among the most important Turks who were made to migrate into Khar
in 1210 AH from Khamseh in Zanjan at the order of Mohammad Khan Qajar. They have
had a decisive political role in the past. Some individuals from Osanlou tribe,
who used to serve as soldiers under the rule of Qajar dynasty, participated in
several wars along with the Osanlou tribal heads. Under the reign of Reza Shah
from the Pahlavi dynasty, among the heads of Osanlou tribe such individuals as
Rashid Soltan, Seyfollah Khan, Aqa Reza Khan and Jalil Khan might be mentioned.
The most significant tribes comprising the Osanlou are Qobakhlou, Qozlou,
Jorablou, Torameshlou, Chozouklou, Mir Akhorlou, Chapeshlou, Yourkhanlou,
Rashmehlou, Khalqolou, Iman Khanlou and Koneshlou. Once the Osanlou tribe arrived at Garmsar, cattle-breeding became its main
occupation, while in the recent decades they have been residing in Deh Soltan,
Dowlat Abad, Sa'd Abad, Soud Oghlan, Magas Tappeh, Fand, Shah Sefid, Yatri
Sofla, Rashmeh, Mahmoud Abad, Moqufeh, Mahmoud Abad Nayeb Ebrahimi, etc. and
have been occupied with agriculture. The Katis They are of Arab origin and come from Najd in Aman, migrated to Fars and
Khuzestan areas in the early post-Islamic centuries. The Katis residing in
Varamin and Garmsar have migrated to the area from Fars in Qajar era. Bazooka Tribe They were exiled from Orumiyeh around 400 years ago under the reign of the
Safavid dynasty, settled down at Khar and Varamin, while a few of them chose to
reside at Taroud and Hesarbon villages in Firouzkouh. According to the travel
account written about Astarabad, Mazandaran and Gilan, "Bazooka and Asayeshlou
tribes are from Aradan who were taken there from Rome under the reign of Shah
Ismaeil. Their population is estimated by Saniuddoleh at 600-700, who reside at
Radian, which is considered the capital and the most important village of Khar
area. Bazookas speak their own language, namely Turkish. They also speak Persian
quite fluently. At present they are mostly centered at Radian and Shah-bough
village. Ameri Arab tribe was made to migrate to the area from Fars province and
settled at Kohanabad village. The village was earlier known as Oubeh Arab. Nafar tribe migrated into Garmsar area from the Fars province capital city of
Shiraz. The name of the tribe is taken from the word "Nafar" (person). Under the
reign of Nader Shah Afshar and the Zandieh dynasty, the tribe was led by Hadji
Hossein Qoli Khan Nafar, and due to his high influence and reputation at the
court, the tribe gradually became known by his name. Its population is mentioned
by Saniuddoleh to comprise of 30 families. Nafaris reside at Qeshlaq Nafar
village. The Kurds residing in Garmsar area come from two tribes known as Shadlou and
Qarachorlou. Their settlement at the area dates back to 1006 AH, which marks the
historical migration of the Kurds from southern Caucasus state to Azarbaijan,
Khar, Varamin and eventually Khorasan. Some members of Qarachorlou and Shadlou
tribes have been residing at Khar and Varamin ever since. The Kurds generally
reside at Hossein Abad, Ali-abad, Qal'eh-Kharabeh and Jalil Abad villages. In
1932, the population of the Kurds was registered by Masoud Keyhan as including
120 families. Hodavand tribe comes from Khorram Abad and is known as Lords. They were
transferred to the Fars area by Karim Khan Zand. Later on Agha Mohammad Khan
Qajar made them migrate from Fars to the outskirts of Tehran, Varamin and
Eivankei. They mainly reside at the cities of Pak Dasht and Varamin. Some of
them reside at Eivankei district at Sangab, Kouros-e Bala, Kouros-e Pa'in (upper
and lower Kouros) Behvard and Chandab villages. Another Lori tribe, known as
Zandi, resides at Lajran village in Garmsar area. The Exiled Lors In the beginning of the present century, various Lor tribes were made to
migrate to Gramsar from the provinces where they resided earlier. However, in a
short while, they returned to their original homeland. For instance, in a
document dated April 29, 1930 the reply of the financial department to the
decree issued by the Ministry of Finance concerning the housing of 100 Lor
families, it was reiterated that 73 families were to be housed at Arbabi village
and the remaining 27 to be dispatched to Khaleseh Khar village. Gilaks reside at the villages at Rameh area to the northeast of Garmsar
including Rameh Bala, Rameh Pa'in, (upper and lower Rameh) Chahar Taq and
Qalifbaf. In recent years these villages have just been resided in warm seasons,
while in the remaining seasons their residents migrate to the cities of Aradan
and Garmsar as well as Jalil Abad and Ali-abad villages. The Gilaks speak in
Mazandarani dialect. Residents of Deh Namak Since old days, the ancient village of Deh Namak, located on the way between
Tehran and Khorasan, 45 km to the east of Garmsar, has been a significant
residential point. The residents of Deh Namak village and the city of Semnan in
Khorasan province are related to one another, while the dialect spoken by them
are similar as well. Other Immigrants Besides the tribal groups, the area is also resided by a number of migrants from the central province, Kashan, Ardestan and Natanz, among whom one might refer to the Tabataba'i Seyeds from Zavareh in Ardestan residing at Qatoul village. |